Saturday, June 9, 2012

First Series.....MY Reality Show

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{perhaps the pilot}
WHO is this girl?

If you know me, you know that I am a TOTAL REALITY SHOW FANATIC! I've always thought that my life would have been a good reality show. Well at least get good ratings! As humans we are drawn to drama, we want to see inside the lives of train wrecks. Even though they are hard to watch, we just can't turn away! I feel like my life is FAR from a train wreck, but the derailments have been life altering. I have thought a lot about writing this, a lot about how I would feel to expose myself in a way that has never felt natural to me. I would consider myself a {a pretty} open book, a girl without much filter, and also {I've been told} the girl that always tells too much. But, also a girl who thinks quite often about how some of the decisions I have made growing up could skew someones impression of me. I want to do this series, not air my "dirty laundry" or the less than proud moments of my past, but in hopes that someone reading this could gain hope, knowledge, information, and possibly even inspire change in someone else's life.

I have truly felt that blogging has been a blessing to me! It has allowed me to communicate with all of you....without "judgement".  In the past few months with some changes in my life, I have felt like my blog needs to change with it. I used to think that if I wanted to write a post like this, or do a series like this, I would need to start a new blog. To be honest...I don't want to! I love this space! I Know the Plans I Have for You, was born when I kept seeing (everywhere) the scripture Jeremiah 29:11, it kept coming to me! I had been redoing furniture for sometime, and I heard A LOT, "What would you do with that?" and I would reply, "I have a plan!" It felt right. I had a plan for furniture and God had a plan for me. My mother~in~law said to me one day..."Jill, things happen for a reason, God has a plan for us all. He has blessed you with a talent and this is His plan for you!" I will never forget her saying that to me! I went full force into my furniture redo's, and blogging about them. In the past 6 months or so though, I have been struggling with what His plan is for Me. 

So right now, it has been on my heart, to not stop my redo fun, but to let you know WHO I AM, and what has made me who I am. I feel like I have built relationships and friendships through I Know the Plans I Have for You, but I want need you to know about more than my talents, I want you to know me. I want you also to know that this may be very difficult at times for me to be completely vulnerable (it's a down side for sure) and to be completely open about certain phases in my life. I know that there will be a lot of people that won't agree with things, or even be surprised by some of the I would love, that if you want to comment about anything....please be considerate.

I'm not sure how long this series will be, so I'll just start here....

I know this doesn't have the "dirt" that you might have been waiting for...
If you would like to make sure you see how my life plays out, please make sure you subscribe by email, and I'll keep you posted!! Stay tuned! Thanks for taking the time to read! Have you ever thought about writing certain things about yourself, but something holds you back? I'd love to hear!


  1. Wonderful series that you are doing, enjoyed reading about you so far!

  2. Very cool! Excited to read along with the series!! :)

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