Friday, July 6, 2012


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Since deciding to jump full force into blogging in January, I have spent more time than I can keep track of (without possibly being a bit embarrassed) trying to learn all that I can! I even suggested that colleges offer courses on blogging...good idea, right?? You practically need a degree to run a well organized, successful blog. I know that we ALL (and by all, I mean us crazy bloggers, of course!) are on a constant mission for improving our sites, growing our readership, collecting hours and hours of information from all over the web. With so much to learn, I'm sure you would love to take a class or two {or four}! 

Have you heard of Alt Design Summit? Well thanks to Bing and The Bing Summer of Doing, you can take up to 4 Alt online classes for FREE!! Wanna know more?? Of course you do, so click here!! You can also click here to take a look at the classes that are being offered.

The 4 classes that I plan to take are:
The Organized Blogger: Tips and Trick for Blogging Success
Growing Readership
Bringing Home The Bacon When You Blog Isn't Huge
Setting Up Online

So what are you waiting for?? This offer is only good for July!! Head on over to Alt Design Summit and sign up for some online classes!

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