Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Labor of LOVE {bench redo}

I know I say this A LOT....but I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted! I have been doing SO many amazing projects (at least I think so) and I am so excited to share them with you guys! Over the next few days, I'll show you the different projects. This one has a bit of picture overload, but don't miss the free printable at the end of the post :)

I am going to start with this one, because it was intended for Valentine's Day, but I can't pass up sharing it just because cupid has left the building! When I was thinking of something special that I wanted to make for Valentine's day, I didn't want it to be only specific to the "Love Day". Who wants to put in hours of work, to have to shove the decor into a box till next year?? Not this gal!

I decided that I was going to make a wood subway sign for the wall, that says "I LOVE YOU", in lots of different languages. I first designed it, which you can feel free to download the free PDF file.

I sized it to the wood I was using, so you can just resize it to fit your project. I printed it out (in 3 pages) and taped the paged together. Then I spent way too long (I won't even get into it) transferring it to the wood. Here it is in pencil...

I'm not sure where I went wrong after this, but let's just say that this was my first truly failed project. I think I ran out of patience with this one once I started painting the words. So a few days went by, and I decided to paint this bench.

I didn't have any intentions on painting the sign on it, but my sister-in-law suggested it. At first I thought....she's crazy! I'm not wasting all that time again!! But I'm a glutton for punishment.
This time I used the technique that I used on this stool.

I reprinted the sign, only this time, mirror imaging the text. I used sidewalk chalk on the printed side and with the printed side face down (with the chalk on the wood), I traced each word. I used a pencil that didn't have any lead to trace, so that I could still see the original when I was actually working on it. Instead of using paint, I went the smart way....the Sharpie way! I used an ultra fine tip Sharpie, a lot of patience, and when I was finished, I sprayed it with a clear, satin top coat. And ta-da....

OH, I almost forgot to mention! When my sister-in-law saw it, she fell in love (pun intended), a bought it!!

Sticking with the Valentine's day theme, I also thought I should share this cute printable in the same post. Clicking on the picture will take you to the PDF file and you can download this for free!

I used them for chocolate lollipops that I made....YUM YUM! If you download the PDF, you can change the text and use them for anything!


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Furniture Feature Fridays
The Shabby Nest


  1. Jill, that bench is my most favorite of all your creations...I think that I could not havae parted with that...amazing..I LOVE it! Darn your Sis-in-law! nah...glad it is staying in the family....jsut the bestestestest! yeah, that is my word for your bench...GOd just gave you a special little touch on the giftedness of artistry...Keep on creating...Blessings to you girl!

  2. I love it! I'm about to do a bench redo. Great ideas!!!!

    1. Thank you Bonnie! I'd love to see what you do with your bench when you finish!

  3. Love it all Lil. The bench is great as I've seen it in person. That little stool is great too. Whatever happened to that little blue "grains" stool? PS. I have to sign as Anonymous because I can't get it to publish any other way?

    1. You have to have a google account to be able to reply with your name. It's free

  4. What a beautiful bench - fantastic transformation!!!
    Your newest follower ( would love to have you follow
    back when you have the time )
    Happy Saturday -

  5. I absolutely love this! You did an amazing job. Don't think I have the talent for something like this, but I would love to try :). Can't figure out how to download the link though?

  6. I absolutely love this! Very cute. I love the black and white. And I have recently been thinking about refinishing some old furniture I have in storage. Pretty sure I don't have the talent to do this (yet lol), but I would love to download the link. I am having a hard time finding it..? Also, if you have any tips for me, I would love to hear them!

  7. Gorgeous bench! You did such a fabulous job!!


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