Friday, September 16, 2011

Dining room update

So what started as a project (you can see the beginning here) I thought that I could finish by today (what was I thinking??) has turned into one of those projects that have proven to be one that I should have maybe have waited till the move was over, uhhhh! I have most of it finished already (3 days, not bad) but I'm soooo tired now! Here is how the progress is going....
a reminder of the before:

I put 2 coats of Minwax Dark Walnut on the top...
I can't believe this is what was under that old finish!

followed by 4 coats of wipe on poly....
2 coats of black suede paint on the skirt of the table and the base...

You can't even tell that a chunk of the leg was missing!!
While that dried, I tackled the hutch. I first removed the hardware and took off the doors. The picture is after only one coat of paint, although since I have put 2 coats on, just haven't taken a picture of that yet. I'll post when I have the doors and everything put back on.

This is a picture to show how lazy I am by not taping ;-)
It comes right off with a razor blade!
I still have to paint the chairs, but it's been so cold and with the baby it's been difficult to find that much time away to tackle I decided to redo the seats in the meantime, see what I mean about a small project that just keeps growing??

The first seemed very boring and I have had this fabric for a couple of
months now just waiting to find something to use it on! What's even better is that
it is outdoor fabric that will hold up great with the 3 kids!!
I think that this fabric will be great with the chairs painted black!
I know it would have made more sense to keep the table apart and in the garage till we move next month, but how could I admire it then??
So my husband reluctantly helped me bring it in and put it back together :-)
I've been trying very hard to take a picture that makes it look as good as it does in person, but for some reason, I JUST CAN' you get a lot of them

I've added a coat of poly on the base and it looks much better.
I still have a couple more coats to do till it's complete
Oh, and I think that the deglosser has worked great! I was able to destress the edges and the sanding didn't take off all the paint! So, in my opinion....a success!!

My next post will be of the finished dining room, hopefully it will be soon!
Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by!
Would love to hear what you think!

linking up to:

Feathered Nest Friday

Furniture feature friday

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Yesterday as my daughter went down for her morning nap, I think I must have lost my mind focus! As I have posted we are moving in about 35 days or so and I have been cleaning, organizing, boxing things up, having garage sales.....and promising my husband "no more furniture till after we move"
Well, like I said in this post, I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
I wanted to sell my dining room table before we left, but there was one problem (or a few). A puppy that my dad had, thought it was a chew toy. I didn't take pictures of the before, but trust took A LOT  of  building the legs back up!

Now my next problem....I didn't use stainable wood filler! So I figured I would buy a similar color paint and just do the base of the table. While at Walmart in search of a quick spray paint that could "mask" this disaster, I grabbed a can of Rustoleum Brown Leather Gloss. The cap looks similar! The I came to my senses.
HOW when I have the capability to refinish furniture, could I go for such a hideous quick fix??
So back to my insanity....What was supposed to be just fixing the legs has turned into an entire table refinish, 6 chairs, and a hutch. I am crazy, I know!
This is what my dining room table looked like before

that's Lucas :-)
The table was very nice when we purchased it about 5 years ago, but since the top has become scratched, it had nail polish on it from my 5 year old playing beauty shop, and don't forget those not so lovely legs.
So Gabriella fell asleep and I grabbed the screw driver!
I would have tried to do this with my husband not knowing what I was starting, but that top was HEAVY!!
So he helped me get it outside and a-sanding I went! And sanding, and sanding, and sanding!
An improvement already!

It really took most of the day!
After doing some searching for ideas on how to do the rest of the table, I decided on staining the top dark walnut and painting the rest black, then distressing.
So here's what we got at the store:

I couldn't even begin to think about sanding all
of those chairs!!! So I chose to try this for the first time

Behr Black Suede in satin
I forgot to mention.....there is a matching hutch!
Sorry the picture is so bad, I took it with my phone
Well, I have put 2 coats of the stain on, but it is so chilly today that it's taking a long time to dry. I also wanted to try the deglosser on a smaller part, so I did the skirt part of the table and put one coat of the black paint on. Being that I did it at 10:00 tonight, I can't get any good lighting to take pictures. I will take some in the morning and let you know if the deglosser really works!
Hopefully it does, so I can get the rest of this done (Quickly!!)
I have a feeling that this will be a hard one for me to let go :-(
I did manage to get a lot packed today though, so keeping it balanced ;-)

Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate your comments!!
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is there a rehab place for furniture addictions?

I'm moving in about a month and have been having a garage sale all weekend. Did pretty good! I think the point of having a garage sale is to get rid of things and have less to move. I have a trailer PACKED with all of my finds and I think I made a deal with my hubby that I wouldn't get anything else till we moved. Why does a month seem like forever!?!?! I have found not 1, BUT 2 dressers that I HAVE to have! Why do we feel like we have to have these things, why can't I just stop looking?? I think I have to admit it....."hello, my name is Jill, and I am addicted to furniture" ;-)
I can't help myself! Thank God I don't have a truck at my fingertips, or we might have a bigger problem! To make things worse, the dresser (which is amazing) that I am supposed to get today, the guy wants to throw in a rocking chair and a box chest! How can I pass that up? All for $25....I can't say no. It's like the desire to start a for today I will cheat, and I will "start" my diet on Monday.
I'll post pics tonight!

Thanks for stopping by!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


As our move is approaching, I have been having a hard time focusing on the important things I am supposed to be doing around the house, such as getting the garage sale together and packing. I had planned to have everything together to have my garage sale today, but I just CAN'T stop painting things!! I think I have a problem! 
I decided to put caster's on the coffee table (see post here) and I think everything looks better on wheels, what do you think?

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Sunday, September 4, 2011


I wanted to show what I decided to do to the coffee table (that I thought I hated) that I LOVE! You can see the post here and here is a picture of the before

First I sanded the 1980's finish off

then I primed it with two coats of Kilz primer

I painted the base of the table with a yellow that I found in the oops paint section at Sears Hardware (that I added white to soften it a little)

I distressed it and wiped it down with  black glaze. On the top I used black chalkboard paint (2 coats) and I can't wait for the kids to start having fun with this new coffee table! 
The directions say to wait 4 days before conditioning it with chalk but I couldn't wait to post it!

Thanks for stopping by, and as always, I would love to hear what you think!!
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ANOTHER LITTLE CHAIR REDO {and printing on fabric}

I got this chair, along with a few others, that I have been waiting to redo because I was DYING to add a little something special with a graphic from the Graphics Fairy  she is AMAZING!!!! There are SO many wonderful things to choose (and are FREE) from that I just couldn't decide. So today I thought, enough with being indecisive and this was the winner...

In doing my research I knew that I could print this and use a chemical that would transfer it onto the fabric, but of course I didn't have it. I also read a couple different blogs that say you can print it directly onto the fabric by running your fabric through the printer. My first attempt didn't work (I think my fabric was too thick). So I decided on a thin linen and used self adhesive laminating film to make the fabric stiff enough to go through the worked!!!
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

ORGANIZING-PACKING-ORGANIZING and adding in a little sanity

We are moving!! Yea! I am so excited to be moving to a new house (not new, but new to us) but the excitement always comes to a screeching halt when you start thinking about packing, ugh! While your sitting in your living room looking around at the things that need to be packed it never seems that bad. You look at your organized room and say "it won't be that bad, we don't even have that much stuff!" But what we don't think about is that storage room that we owe all of our thanks to for allowing us to have an uncluttered home. Or the garage, that has become the home to all of the great things we have hunted down to make beautiful. Or again, the garage, that has become the work space that hold all of the tools, and the mounds of paint, sanders, supplies, and oh the small hoard of furniture wait to be redone! (Did I mention that already??)



Anyway, as I enter into my second week of semi freedom, with 2 kids in school now, I put my fun of the finds and the fun of the refinishing on hold to pack :-( 


So I was wanting to replace my glass and metal coffee table with a wood table that I could refinish for our new living room, but when I got to the place and picked it up, it was smaller that it looked in the picture and I also didn't notice the squares (is that parquet?) so I almost left it. But the guy lowered the price and I couldn't say no. If it didn't end up being my taste when finished, it would be somebody's! My husband was OK about the table when he thought it was replacing ours, but is definitely NOT looking to add furniture to move! Oh, well!! ;-)  (these projects = sanity)

As I said before, I started sanding it before I took a picture, but turns out I had time to do it after all....



I'm SO excited to finally have a sander that works correctly!

I'm thinking about staining the squares in a "checker" kind of pattern, alternating light stain and dark stain. Then  painting base of the table.

I would love to get some input!!!

Thanks for stopping by!
I'll keep you posted on the progress of the move and the fun of decorating a new house!!

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