Hey! I hope everyone is having a great week and making some fun plans for the weekend! I get to see Sesame Street Live this weekend with my 3 year old, my cousin and her {almost} 2 year old. I can't wait to see the reactions on the girls faces when they see Elmo right in front of them! Any fellow St. Louis bloggers going??
Well this is actually a piece I redid a couple of months ago, but hadn't shared yet. I also know that I took before pictures but my computer broke, and when I sent it in to get it fixed, I think that I lost them. Or at least for now, I'll just say that I haven't located them :( . I really love this 1940's vanity/desk. I personally can only see it used as a desk, but I know originally it was made as a vanity. I love the chippy goodness!
Here is what I did:
I stripped the top, and re-stained it using my go to stain...Minwax Walnut. I love the dark richness of the brown. I applied 2 coats of the milk paint (I've also used it
here &
here). This time I tried a different method of mixing the paint though. In the past projects, I just stirred, and stirred, and stirred some more. I have found that the red is a difficult color to mix. I've even added a little dawn soap before mixing it. This time I put it in a food processor (one that will not be used again for food), and it mixed up beautifully! I loved how creamy the texture was, and it applied SO smoothly. I also have the mixer that looks like a milk frother (is that what you call it?) Maybe it is an actual milk frother that I picked up one day while getting some milk paint. It works pretty well. I think I like the food processor better, but the clean up is a breeze with the "frother". What do you use to mix your milk paint? I'd love to hear! Ok, back to the desk.... After the paint dried, I used a paint scraper gently over the parts that were already chipping, and then sanded the entire desk with a fine sanding block. I used a mixture of dark and clear wax all over the red, and 2 coats of dark wax on the top. The hardware is all original. I was a little sad that this piece sold so quickly (thankful of course), but I just loved looking at it, and I know that it went to a wonderful new home. I can't keep everything, right??

Thanks for stopping by! What is your favorite milk paint color? I'd love to see your projects!