Monday, January 14, 2013

A New Look and a Freebie (Valentine's Day Printable)

I spent the evening last night (ok, all day and night), re-designing my header. I was ready for a change, and with the new year here, this was the perfect time!
I'd love to know what you think?? It's so hard to know if you've made it just right, when you have been staring at the same screen for hours! You move this word over a millimeter, and change that font ever so slightly, and it is easy to lose focus on what your vision started out as! So feedback would be great! I still have some tweaking to do, but I think I'm OK for now. The new header also inspired today's post! Enjoy :)

Update: It was brought to my attention yesterday that my tabs weren't working in my header. I had attempted to use a different image mapping  program which I just couldn't get to work. My tutorial on image mapping is still the easiest method that has worked for me. I have a feeling that it has something to do with having a blogger blog. So if you have a blogger blog, my tutorial works great. For other blogs, is probably an even easier way to map your images.

It's been so long since I have actually "celebrated" Valentine's Day with my husband. We usually make dinner or something like that at home. To make it worse, my birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, which makes it super hard to get a babysitter. My husband also isn't the best at separating the 2. I think that, to him, it seems easier to give me 2 dozen roses at once, than it is to give me 1 dozen 2 days in a row. When he takes the kids to get cards, they will get a bunch of Valentine's Day cards and birthday cards, fill them out in the living room while I make dinner (like I don't know what they are doing) and give them to me all at once. That is typically 4 or 5 days before Valentine's Day and my birthday, that's kinda funny. While it is tough enough to share the 2 days, I am also a twin (if you hadn't heard), so there is extra sharing! But I love to be with my brother on our birthday. So this year, I am determined to get into the Valentine's Day spirit, and fill this house with love! By the time I am finished decorating, it will look like Cupid threw up in our house! For that to happen, I have to start now! I created this red and white chevron chalkboard subway printable, that you are welcome to download. Erin, from How to Nest for Less, was so sweet to share her blank chalkboard printable! It will print as an 8 x 10, but you can resize it on any photo editing site. I have to share my new favorite (free) editing site soon! You are welcome to use these for your personal use.

Just right click and save as, to download

I've also include a blank one for you to customize yourself!

And for a little variety.....

I hope these get you feeling warm and fuzzy, and in that LVIN' spirit!

Pin It!

Loves on a Thursday


  1. Wow, that is really different. When you hit your tabs for different pages it takes you directly back to the original page-post. I think it looks great. I love all your wonderful ideas. Especially the Valentine's banners a few post back... Get out the hearts and let the Love shine... Excited to see all your Valentine' decor. You really should get a really great B-day or a really great Valentine's gift if they come together but you know Blessings!

  2. This is so cute, had to Pin it!


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